
personal ponderings, pontifications and occasional pearls from a woman of a certain age living in North Carolina

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

I am beginning to wonder why I started blogging...was it truly my choice or did I let myself (once again) get talked into it? By the end of the day, I am so tired that not only does creative thought escape me, but thought of any kind is a struggle. The thought of two more work days this week is daunting - the hours looming around the corner like a fire breathing dragon ready to consume me in one hot blast. Two many clients, too many needs, too many meetings and not enough of me to go around.
I have promised myself that tomorrow (after work), I will go to GNC and find a multi-vitamin that will help me stabilize my depleted system. Hopefully, the store staff will be truly knowledgeable as my vitamin must be potent enough for the over fifty female, be small enough to swallow without gagging and not have the odor of a vegetable left too long in the crisper. If the pill can also help me lose weight, stop sprouting chin hairs like a billy goat and enhance my libido, life, as I know it, will greatly improve. And if in swallowing that pill, I could find financial wealth, world peace and an end to world hunger, no price would be too high. But alas, tomorrow I will be delivering food commodities to needy county residents, and trying to fit a 12 hour day into 8...and nothing seems to bring peace to the earth these days. Maybe we need to start a peace chain - set aside all our petty differences, our dissatisfaction with ourselves and others, see ourselves as one planet and not a host of nations and then maybe, one by one, we could do what John Lennon sang, Give Peace a Chance.
And maybe someday, God will explain our presence here as well as our mission. Until then, I fumble through life along with you hoping and praying that each new day brings hope for all us all.

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

It goes without saying that I am off to a lousy start with my new blog, but not all the blame lays with me. Three days without phone service (so no computer access) followed by a weekend trip to Washington, DC with friends, then back to work and I am sooooo tired. But rest? Never...out to dinner again tonight to celebrate my friend Christine's 47th birthday....running out of steam and out of cash so will have to call a halt to my gallivanting. I spoke with my daughter this evening - it was amazing how much I already knew about what was happening in her life from reading her blog, but nothing can ever replace the sound of her voice. How I wish we lived closer. There are so many interests we share and I know we would have a blast doing things together. Ahh, if wishes were horses. Alas, I must come to a close. Scout, the cat, is clamoring for attention and my bed is calling my name. I bid you a fond adieu.

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Hello - I am just getting up and running after discarding my original blog spot as it had no pizazz. If you will bear with me, I promise you a wild ride. Sometimes, I will bore you and at other times, I will enchant you. If you find my writing style not your cup of tea, I suggest you check out the following site penned by my very talented daughter (and no, I am not just a merely proud mama...we are talking talent here):Naked With the Lights On Put on your seat belt. We are ready to take flight...hope you enjoy the view.

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