
personal ponderings, pontifications and occasional pearls from a woman of a certain age living in North Carolina

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

"Oh we got trouble, right here in River City"
The week is off to a horrendous start...Two days of training for a new program at work and Lord knows, I'm already behind with the cases I already manage....The check from the person who bought and carried my furniture away bounced and the phone number on her check has been disconnected....There's a note from the electric company reminding me that the payment is late,...a nasty letter from the hospital regarding a bill I am refusing to pay because they have not provided me with an itemized statement...and there's a storm brewing on the home front.

If someone knows the secret to marital bliss, I wish they'd share it. In the meantime, I struggle to keep my sanity in this union. My beloved's glass is always ( and I do mean always) half empty these days. I cannot feel the joy or hear the laughter here anymore. The chasm between us grows wider and the bridge across is wildly twisting in the wind; we are both much to mature to have reached this impasse, but here we are...I suppose we'll get past this at some point, but oh what a blood letting this has been...we sit like two strangers who have no inclination to meet. A more appropriate description might be two mules (or jackasses may be even getting close to the truth) pulling in different directions when they both just want to go to the same feed trough.

But ah, tomorrow is another day and a new day may bring reason back to life, resurrect common sense and halt the braying of two stubborn mules.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Well, I evidently don't know how to create a link...please go to RedJellyFish to save the rain forest and feed the chimps....

They say the third time is the charm......
Correction to earlier blog - if you want to save the rain forest and feed the chimps, check out this website:
Oops, today was my late day, but I forgot. Another senior moment, I guess. Anyway, I wasn't due here until eight a.m., but arrived just before seven and rather than get right to it, I tooled around on the internet: checked out movie trailers, read my email - both at work and home, checked to see if I was winning an auction on EBay for a CD that I don't want to pay a lot of money for, but still want to own, clicked to save the rain forest and feed the chimps (you can do at ), checked the weather, read my daughter's posting on her blog and then finally decided to pay some attention to my own blog.

Everyone here is tracking Hurricane Isabel. Flashlights, batteries, bottled water and various other storm supplies are vanishing off the store shelves. I am up first on shelter duty should the storm hit here, but I am hoping that like a good woman, Isabel changes her mind and her direction and heads back out to sea.

Senator Edwards will be up the road today in Robbins. Personally, I don't think he stands a chance as a presidential candidate, but what do I know? I didn't think George W. would ever occupy the oval office and look where he sits...

Well, I think I'll get started on my work day. Just for the heck of it, I'll give them 15 minutes of my time - that is, after I get my first cup of decaf and plan my strategy....Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go.

Sunday, September 14, 2003

An abandoned blog is a sad thing. It has no voice, no point of view. It lies dormant in a world full of wonders and woes. Who wil take ownership of this blog, cast aside like a toy outgrown or an idea too soon vacated? Like too many things, this blog was started with good intentions and lofty ideas. It was meant to encourage a daily flow of creative juices and the firing of synapes on a regular basis. What happens now? Perhaps, we can start anew with just a little mental prodding. A word here, a sentence there, but as long as its practiced daily, it may grow and blossom. Time will tell.

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